Accurately quantify the benefits and value of product features with conjoint analysis

We find out which feature of your product is a winner and which you can save. Optimal product configuration is a key determinant of product success and potential margin.

Our solutions: profitable

Which product features are useful for your customers - and which are superfluous?

Your potential customers are reaching for a competitor's product? You've invested a lot in a cool feature, but customers aren't paying much attention? Conjoint analysis is a high-end tool that allows you to quantify and compare the benefits of individual attributes and entire products.

One contact person

With us, a market research expert keeps an eye on the entire project. This increases efficiency, creates added value in the creation of the questionnaire and guarantees a smooth project flow.

Global Online Panel

We are constantly reviewing and expanding our global pool of survey participants in 74 countries. We thus ensure particularly clean data delivery.

Analytically thought along

From the conception of the questionnaire to the analysis of your data, we think along with you. On request, we derive options for action and prepare meaningful charts.

Our approach: efficient

The way to your product research

From conception to data collection and analysis, we always keep the common goal in mind.


We get to know your questions, define reasonable and feasible study objectives together and discuss the setup. This also includes the definition of a clear timing, the appropriate sample size and the survey form.


Based on your briefing, we design the questionnaire for your study, which you can enrich with individual content such as competitors or image attributes. This results in a survey method that is optimally suited to your question.


With our own panel (pool of participants), we always have the data in our own hands and are not dependent on third parties. In addition, after data collection, a series of intensive quality checks are carried out, which guarantee precise results.


At the end of an analytical market research project, we always provide an easy-to-understand report with clear recommendations for action. This means that valid decisions can be made directly after the project, which are based on the latest research findings and move your company forward.

Get in touch now and find the right project framework for your product research.


Benefits of conjoint analysis

Efficient price & product research

The conjoint method allows you to assign a utility value to different product features in different configurations. For example, you can explain why customers turn to competing products and how your product must be configured so that it outperforms the competitor's product. You can also identify which features only cause costs but do not bring any significant benefits.

Conjoint analysis is a very advanced method of market research. The participants are presented with numerous existing or even theoretically possible products with the associated features and characteristics. The participant is asked to indicate which product (or none of them) they would choose. Through the repetition with many different products, it can ultimately be determined which benefit is attributed to the individual components or characteristics, without the participant himself ranking them or specifying a price. This makes the method particularly valid.

The prerequisite for the method is a limited number of product attributes, each of which is available in different forms. One of the attributes can be the price, which makes it possible to convert the abstract currency of utility into "real currency". Conjoint analysis is thus also used for price research. If the prerequisites are met, a very complex programming and analysis is carried out by Splendid Research.

Our customers: Have The Word

Since 2008, we have been committed to high-quality product research.

Whether you are a corporate group or an agency, whether you need a complex study or a simple results report - we will put together a customized package that will help your company.

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The study conducted with Splendid Research has been a core part of our work. With the results as a starting point, we designed the marketing measures for a whole year. 2 years after its publication, the study is still our most successful and most downloaded asset. It shows how valuable a sound database is and that there is a lot of interest in it. We have been very professional and supportive of the team throughout the process. We look forward to the next joint survey.

Nicole Sandra Pukala,


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The cooperation with SPLENDID RESEARCH was very pleasant and professional. The results were available quickly and were useful for the further positioning of Nico Rosberg.

Florian Krumrey,

Geschäftsführer von CAA

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Thanks to SPLENDID RESEARCH, we had valid data at our disposal, which helped us very well to derive appropriate measures. Even changes to the schedule at short notice were implemented in an uncomplicated manner. We can only recommend anyone to turn to SPLENDID RESEARCH when it comes to employee surveys. Many thanks for this!

Leif Jensen, Landeshauptstadt Kiel,

Personal- und Organisationsamt,
Zentrale Personalentwicklung

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SPLENDID RESEARCH has been supporting our company since autumn 2016, and not without reason! We have always been looked after competently, bindingly and with absolute reliability. SPLENDID RESEARCH has our back and carries out the recruitment of suitable test candidates independently, with commitment, in a solution-oriented manner and, above all, always quickly and in a friendly manner. A partnership as it should be. Not only we say that, but also the test candidates we have invited via SPLENDID RESEARCH so far.

Patricia Regenhardt, Marketing Manager,

Ferratum Bank p.l.c/, Düsseldorf

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In our search for a suitable testimonial with whom we wanted to optimise the positioning of our brand, SPLENDID RESEARCH provided us with excellent support. By means of the HUMAN BRAND INDEX, we received valid data in a very short time, which served as a basis for our decision and through which we are now working with the popular actor Jan Josef Liefers as our new advertising face.

Cornelia Friedrich,

Abteilungsleiterin Werbung & PR

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Market research with customised solutions.

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